All donations are gratefully received, no matter how small – they all make a difference!
We are run as a Trust and not as a business. As such, we receive no aid from any government or official bodies and fully rely on your generosity. Donations work as follows:


You can donate via our PayPal account, using the buttons above, or you can send cheques/postal orders payable to Shar Pei Rescue Of Great Britain (Trust), SPRGB, 15 Meadow Close, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3DQ


You can donate on a monthly basis via direct debit using our PayPal buttons above. If this does not work for you and you would like to donate any other amount on a monthly basis, please Contact Us

Gift Aid

We are registered for Gift Aid. If you are a tax payer in the UK, your donation could be worth more to us by allowing us to claim back the basic rate of tax component. Contact Us for more details.

Your will

By making a gift to the Shar Pei Rescue of Great Britain through your will, trust or other financial plan, you can continue to protect the Shar Pei from suffering even after you are gone and well into the future.
Making a Will is straightforward and doesn’t affect the rights of your family and loved ones. Leaving a gift to charity can even help your loved ones by reducing the burden of Inheritance Tax.
To a small charity like the SPRGB one single legacy can make the most enormous difference to our work. The sum doesn’t have to be big to have a big impact.
We know that legacies are a very personal subject. If you would like to find out more about supporting the SPRGB in this way, please Contact us