All donations are gratefully received, no matter how small – they all make a difference!
We are run as a Trust and not as a business. As such, we receive no aid from any government or official bodies and fully rely on your generosity. Donations work as follows:
You can donate via our PayPal account, using the buttons above, or you can send cheques/postal orders payable to Shar Pei Rescue Of Great Britain (Trust), SPRGB, 15 Meadow Close, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3DQ
You can donate on a monthly basis via direct debit using our PayPal buttons above. If this does not work for you and you would like to donate any other amount on a monthly basis, please Contact Us
Gift Aid
We are registered for Gift Aid. If you are a tax payer in the UK, your donation could be worth more to us by allowing us to claim back the basic rate of tax component. Contact Us for more details.